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Rivers & Co. Is an online Custom Jewelry Boutique. Offering ready to wear and custom Jewelry.

Monday, June 15, 2009


I was emailed about this website and thought it looked very Interesting. I'm not going to join just yet, but I thought you guy's (or some of your friends) might be interested in it.

The website has four categories, art, music, fashion and filming.

Putiton.com is "Home to the worlds undiscovered artists", and a great way to showcases your work.
When you sing up for Putiton.com you can make a portfolio about yourself, showcases your work, sell your work and connect with other like minded people.

Here's what it says under "About Putiton.com"

"PutItOn.com was conceived to fill a void in the art world — a place in cyberspace where budding artists from all over the world could showcase their work in front of a global audience.

Whether it is in the hopes of being "discovered," to finally make a living from the sale of their creations, or simply to revel in the joy of having an audience see and react to their work, PutItOn.com artists now have a dynamic setting in which to showcase their craft - for free and with no limitations.

At PutItOn.com, we believe that there are literally millions of artists around the world who are currently unable to display what they have created. Whether it's because of their location, lack of connections to the "business side" of their craft, or inadequate funds, incredibly talented individuals who have created fantastic works of art have been frustrated in their quest to share their work with the world.

So we've created a place to level the playing field and change all that. If an artist can gain access to a computer, they can access PutItOn.com — and connect with people all over the world eager to discover them and their work.

For the emerging artist, PutItOn.com means the chance for exposure on a global scale, in an environment designed by artists for artists.

For the connoisseur, the collector, the devotee, or the newbie who wishes to dive deeper into works of art, music, fashion, and film, PutItOn.com provides unlimited access to a world of artists and their works on a scale never before possible, but renders it manageable and approachable through innovative, sophisticated, and seamless technological advances."

Tell me what you think about it! :-)


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